Weight of Wood by Christian & Jade. Contribution to The Mindcraft Project 2023. Photo Credit: Anders Sune Berg.
From The Mindcraft Project 2023. Video Credit: Benjamin Lund.

Smoke Cloud Chandelier by Christian & Jade. Hammered and polished aluminium. Developed during a residency period in Detroit. Photo Credit: Christian & Jade.

Vessel for Light by Christian & Jade. A collection of stacked, waxed, stitched paper lamps developed in response to a poem brief called Substance in a Cushion by Getrude Stein. Photo Credit: Christian & Jade.

Reflecting Flame by Christian & Jade. Hammered and polished aluminium produced in an edition of 20. Photo Credit: Christian & Jade.

Proud to be Humble by Christian & Jade. Produced from a single piece of hammered and polished aluminium. Photo Credit: Christian & Jade.