The Drawing Machine by Eske Rex. By hand, two pendulums arms are set in motion, their movements traced onto paper through mounted ballpoint pens. Photo Credit: Jule Hering.

Verbeke Drawing by Eske Rex. Detail in ballpoint pen, capturing the pendulum motion of The Drawing Machine. Photo Credit: Eske Rex.

Space Meter by Eske Rex. An instrument that spans and measures both the space between two walls in a room and the magnetic space between the wall and a floating turned wooden funnel. Photo Credit: Jeppe Gudmundsen-Holmgren.

Divided Self by Eske Rex. Oval shaped figures embedded with magnets are forced together, whilst two fixed strings maintain a small degree of separation. Photo Credit: Eske Rex.

Little Ship by Eske Rex. A cross between a cart, a crib and a playpen for a newborn. A string can be tensioned on either side of the object to strengthen the construction and fine-tune the shape. Photo Credit: Jeppe Gudmundsen-Holmgren.

Unfolded Plank by Eske Rex. A roughly sawn plank is first cut along it's narrow segment and then steamed. The resultant form contrasts between the straight and the twisting sections. Photo Credit: Eske Rex.