Heavy Metal by Katrine Borup. A physical illustration of the amount of stone destroyed to create one gram of gold. Contribution to Mindcraft 10. Photo Credit: Jeppe Gudmundsen-Holmgreen.

BODYPARTy by Katrine Borup. Created from stitched together balloons, a series of objects that playfully address a likeness to body parts and cell structures. Contribution to Mindcraft 13. Photo Credit: Ole Akhøj.

BODYPARTy by Katrine Borup. Created from stitched together balloons, a series of objects that playfully address a likeness to body parts and cell structures. Contribution to Mindcraft 13. Photo Credit: Ole Akhøj.

iLoveLetters by Katirne Borup. 10m of ribbon made from 11,110 pieces of pencil lead. A reflection on the disappearance of hand writing. Contribution to Mindcraft 14. Photo Credit : Ole Akhøj.

Knock them down with a feather (Helmet) by Katrine Borup. Site specific work inspired by a local myth and the concept of repetition within the circular courtyard of San Simpliciano, Milan. Contribution to Mindcraft 18. Photo Credit : Anders Sune Berg.

Knock them down with a feather (Sleeve) by Katrine Borup. Site specific work inspired by a local myth and the concept of repetition within the circular courtyard of San Simpliciano, Milan. Contribution to Mindcraft 18. Photo Credit: Anders Sune Berg.

Amber Chamber by Katrine Borup. Inspired by the formation of amber over time, the piece references objects of time - such as the hourglass. Exhibited at The Biennial for Craft and Design. Photo Credit : Ole Akhøj.